"Everyone Thinks That I Have It All, It’s So Empty Living Behind These Castle Walls"
Even though T.I. just got sent back to the same Arkansas prison on November 1st to serve an 11 month sentence following a drug related arrest/violation of his parole, the show must go on with his album No Mercy
that is due out December 7th. Taking one quick look at the tracklist has me beyond excited to not only see a DJ Toomp track, but also a Danja, Jim Jonsin, @KanyeWest and most notably an Alex da Kid produced track. I'd say @ALEXDAKID is making quite a name for himself with all these high profile production credits of late.
The slow and steady rat-a-tat of the beat over a whiny electro-synth piano creates a perfect backdrop for T.I. to open up about how being famous and great isn't all cracked it's up to be sometimes. Sort of appropriate considering how famous and rich @TIP is, yet he can't seem to stay out of jail, making the subject of the track ominously realistic as he now resides behind walls in a castle that no man ever wants to visit. Call it a modern day critique of fame and fortune or even a more emotional, somber, present day version portrayal of a true Hip Hop star and the struggle he still goes through despite the unrelenting success, either way it's got a much deeper messages and is accentuated by a beautiful hook delivered by Christina Aguilera.
As facinated as I've become with this track, it was cool hearing about how the track came to be from the newest, hottest kid on the block named Alex...shhhh Alex da Kid is coming!
Slated to be a single off his new album, this one is headed for that NUMBER 1 SPOT! Go support T.I. when his album drops on November 7th, early prediction is that it'll compete with Eminem and Kanye for album of the year...
T.I. feat Christina Aguilera - Castle Walls (prod by Alex Da Kid)
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