Indie Artist Spotlight: Matt & Kim
Enter Matt & Kim, a dance/punk duo that has been together for about 6 years now after forming in 2004. Really all you need to know is that Matt is from Vermont, Kim is from Connecticut and they met in Brooklyn at a party while attending the Pratt Institute. Matt handles the vocals and keyboard while Kim handles the drums, creating an energetic, loud mix of synth, indie, pop, rock dance music. My description was probably so vague, that it's best you hear Matt's description of their sound in an interview with
To me it's just cool to see an artist, or in this case a group, be that visibly ecstatic about performing multiple times a day and genuinely seeing it as more of a fun opportunity than a burden. They just seem like two happy people who love making interesting, boundless music that refuses to be normal enough to be keyholed into a genre or category. And as "Indie" as their music may sound, it's starting to get the attention of a lot of people...and when I say a lot of people I mean Hip Hop in general, starting with @kanyewest. And what is Kanye most known for and takes most pride in musically? Being a maestro when it comes to laying down drums. So when he was gushing about the drums on a Matt & Kim track, it's worthy of note. Read below:
Give a look and listen to the song titled Daylight that Kanye was gushing about from their album titled Grand
released Jan 2009.
Matt & Kim - Daylight
"TNG: How would you describe your sound?To get a glimpse of their personality, check out the interview below from 2007 at South by Southwest where they talk about how the concept of SXSW is like cramming fun down your throat.
Matt: As far as having a short-description genre we figured that we fit into the category of dance punk. We try not to pigeon-hole ourselves. Some bands only play with the same types of bands, but we play with all different types of bands from hip-hop, to punk rock, to dj’s — we’ve even played with metal bands; any place that people want to get wild. We did a tour with Against Me & in contrast to them we seemed like the quintessential indie dance band. Now doing a tour with Cut Copy we seem kind of like a punk rock band. -Source"
To me it's just cool to see an artist, or in this case a group, be that visibly ecstatic about performing multiple times a day and genuinely seeing it as more of a fun opportunity than a burden. They just seem like two happy people who love making interesting, boundless music that refuses to be normal enough to be keyholed into a genre or category. And as "Indie" as their music may sound, it's starting to get the attention of a lot of people...and when I say a lot of people I mean Hip Hop in general, starting with @kanyewest. And what is Kanye most known for and takes most pride in musically? Being a maestro when it comes to laying down drums. So when he was gushing about the drums on a Matt & Kim track, it's worthy of note. Read below:
Give a look and listen to the song titled Daylight that Kanye was gushing about from their album titled Grand
Matt & Kim - Daylight
Matty B. here and they are two of my favorite people. There's one AMAZING video of them stripping their clothes off, literally, in Times Square here and she is/was a badass runner.
Keep up the good work, sir!
Marty B - That video is awesome! I've only begun to be a fan of their music and after seeing how much they're winning at life in that video, it's hard not to be fans of them as people. Thanks for tuning in man, just like you I am eagerly awaiting the second chapter of mike's indie corner.
Haha my bad Autocorrect on the iPhone corrected Matty to Marty...
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